Nsfas Status Check

Nsfas Status Check

Nsfas status check

Nsfas Status Check | NSFAS was established according to the National Student Financial Aid Scheme Act (Act 56 of 1999) and incorporated TEFSA (Tertiary Education Fund of South Africa). From 1993 to 2000, TEFSA was the primary non-profit company in terms of Section 21 of the Companies Act and ceased to operate in July 2000. All existing loans on the TEFSA books were transferred to NSFAS.
Financial Aid
The NSFAS Act enables any student to apply for a bursary from NSFAS but allows the board to impose conditions, generally, or in respect of a particular loan or bursary. Such conditions include the use of the means test and the loan conversion of up to 40 per cent of any loan as an incentive for academic success.

Nsfas student portal

The MyNsfas student portal is an online platform created by Nsfas. The portal makes it easier for you to manage all things Nsfas-related. By registering and logging in to your account, you will be able to upload your application, and supporting documents and even update existing information. 

How to Check NSFAS Application Status

You need your myNSFAS Email and Password to check your status online.

Now with an internet-connected smartphone or computer, Open your web browser. Google Chrome preferably. 

Step 1: Visit the myNSFAS student portal via – https://my.nsfas.org.za/Application/selfservice.jsp

Step 2: Next, Enter Your Email and Password in the field provided,

Step 3: Finally, Click on the Sign-in button to access your application status for free.

How To Perform A NSFAS Status Check?

You can login to the myNSFAS to find out if you’re eligible for funding or not. Students who haven’t received any feedback regarding their application need to continue monitoring their application status. If you’re one such student, follow these steps:

  • Log in to the application on the NSFAS online platform at the official NSFAS website: my.nsfas.org.za
  • Input your username, password, and click on SIGN IN.
  • Search for Track Funding Progress and click on it.

Once you have gained access, you can see the current status of your application. If you have a message that reads, “Provisionally Approved,” you may contact your school to ask for further assistance.

For this, reach out to the Student Finance Department. If you have any other questions, you must direct these to the NSFAS team, since they’re the only authority for the disbursement or processing of funds.

How To Check NSFAS Status Using ID Number

You can check your NSFAS status by using your ID number by following the below steps:

  • First, you will need to log in to your online MyNSFAS account portal mynsfas.org.za
  • Then simply enter your ID number or username and password
  • Click on the ‘sign in’ button
  • Then click on ‘Track Funding Progress’
  • This will then show you what status your nsfas funding is at

How To Check MyNSFAS Status For Returning Students?

To inform all NSFAS applicants, an arrangement is typically made with universities that allow students to register. For returning students, the registration or upfront fee will be part of the NSFAS package.

The NSFAS program has been in operation for many years now. The more recent years have brought about major changes. For instance, in response to the “Fees Must Fall” protests that swept the nation, they have changed the qualifying NSFAS funding limit. At present, students who are an African citizen come from a household of R350,000 and below per year will now get eligibility to receive full payment for their tuition fees, along with other expenses while studying. This bursary cover has helped poor and working-class families with the cost of training for students.

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The main office of the NSFAS is in Cape Town, with NSFAS offices on most of the campuses of universities of technology, TVET Colleges, and universities. If you’re a returning student, you don’t need to personally visit the NSFAS office as you can fully complete your application online.  NSFAS programs are for students in universities of technology, TVET Colleges or public universities.

In the case of returning students, you can still get considered for financial funding aid, as long as, you meet all of the pre-NSFAS’ financial and academic eligibility requirements. If you’re a continuing student, the income threshold of your combined household will get evaluated against the general criteria.


How To Check NSFAS Status At UNISA?

If you’re planning to study at the University of South Africa (UNISA) and you’re applying for the NSFAS program, you can check your status by following these steps:

  • Open the official UNISA website https://www.unisa.ac.za/
  • Input your login details then click on the Submit button
  • Once you access your account, you can check your status on the site.

It’s important to note that UNISA students don’t get access to NSFAS Wallets or mobile wallet. Instead, you would receive your allowances through an Intellicard. You would receive these allowances through your institution. This means that you will receive information from your institutions about the allowances.

As a UNISA student, if you receive a letter entitled, “Statement of Account,” don’t panic! UNISA sends these letters to everyone in their system – and that includes students funded by NSFAS. If your status changes, the school will receive your payments. UNISA knows this process as communication occurs between NSFAS and UNISA.


When Will My NSFAS Status Change?

Generally, you can expect a response on a change of status a couple of days after the closing date of applications. If you still have not received any feedback from NSFAS, you may consider checking the status yourself.


Why Is My NSFAS Status Not Changing?

However, there may be cases where the application is not considered. These reasons are:

  • Current students already with existing NSFAS funding
  • You have an existing undergraduate diploma/degree or a postgraduate degree except for the following:
    • BTech in Architectural Technology / Architecture
    • BTech in Cartography / Engineering (all disciplines) / Forestry
    • BTech in Biomedical Technology / Biokinetics / Biotechnology
    • BTech in Homoeopathy / Nursing / Chiropractic
    • BTech in Emergency Medical Care / Clinical/Dental Technology
    • Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting
    • Postgraduate Certificate in Education
    • LLB

If your status isn’t changing, it could also mean that your application wasn’t successful. To make sure, you can get in touch with them through email.


If you want to or need to make changes to your account details, you can do this too. Whatever your reason is for making these changes, here are the steps to follow:

  • First, visit the MyNSFAS student portal.
  • To log in, input your username, and password, then click on SIGN IN.
  • Once you get in, click on My Personal Details.
  • Delete all of the incorrect or outdated information and replace it with the correct and updated information.
  • Click on Update Your Details. This will save all of the changes you’ve made to your login details.
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You can access your MyNSFAS account by following these steps:

  • Go to www.nsfas.org.za
  • Click on MyNsfas Account.
  • Input your username and password.
  • Access your MyNSFAS account.


Documents Needed to Verify Your NSFAS Funding Application

National Student Financial Aid Scheme NSFAS Details

NSFAS Application Requirements for

NSFAS application for closing date


How to Apply for NSFAS Online

NSFAS Contact Details

NSFAS Allowance

NSFAS Online Application

NSFAS Consent Form PDF

NSFAS Closing Date

NSFAS Application Status


How to Check NSFAS Online Application Status Form


National Student Financial Aid Scheme NSFAS Details

Nsfas Application Opening Date

NSFAS Application

NSFAS Application

NSFAS Online Application

NSFAS Requirements

NSFAS Contact Details

NSFAS My Portal

NSFAS Allowance

NSFAS Online Application

NSFAS Consent Form PDF

NSFAS Closing Date

NSFAS Application Status

Nsfas Application Form pdf Download

Nsfas Application Form Details

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